
ENTER TO WIN...Avoid Bringing Bed Bugs Into Your Home

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December 30, 2017

Tips by Dr. Nancy Troyano, entomologist for Western Exterminator: 

When you arrive at your hotel: Place your luggage on non-upholstered furniture away from the bed at your hotel, such as on a desk. If you use a luggage rack, inspect it for bed bugs before plopping your suitcase down.

Keep your eyes peeled: Pull back the corners of bedding on the bed and check the mattress and box spring for bed bugs or signs of bed bugs.

There are a few tell-tale signs to be aware of as you inspect the hotel bed.

  • Bed bugs will molt and shed their skin before each new life stage. Often you can find these pieces of shed skin lying around areas of infestation such as in creases in the mattress.
  • Bed bugs also leave fecal deposits after they consume their blood meal. You can spot these small dots, that appear as though you've touched a black marker to fabric, such as a mattress cover.
  • Make sure to pay special attention to seams, where bed bugs like to hide. 

After vacation, take precautions: Treat your suitcase as if you already have bed bugs.

- Do not to put your suitcase on your bed, couch or other furniture to unpack. Instead, try to remove the contents from the suitcase in an area such as your laundry room, kitchen, garage or foyer.

- Once unpacked, store your suitcase in a non-living space if possible, such as an attic, basement or garage. If the suitcase must be stored under a bed or in a bedroom closet, then place it in a large trash bag first and tie the bag shut.

- When you pack for your next family vacation, bring the items you need to pack to the suitcase, rather than bringing the suitcase into the bedroom or on top of your bed. An easy way to do this is to put your clothes, toiletries, and other items into a laundry basket and carry them to your suitcase. Remember that bed bugs can live for several months or even up to a year without feeding, so it's better safe than sorry to be extra careful!