Take your child to the library day, started 10 years ago, it is an international initiative encouraging families all over the world, to take their children to their local library. This year the annual event will take place February 6th, 2021, however some libraries may choose to host events on another day, so always check with your local library branch for details.
I remember so much excitement surrounding a simple trip to the library when I was a child. We didn’t go often as a family, but the excitement of knowing it was library day when I was in elementary school, almost rivaled Christmas. As I sit here thinking about my many trips to the library throughout my school years, I can almost smell it. Yes, the library had its own smell, a combination of ink on paper and leather binding, mixed with some dust, kid sweat, and stinky feet for good measure, you couldn't wear your shoes in the library, only socked feet.
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Photo credit: Left Beth Neely, Publisher Macaroni Kid Rancho Cucamonga, Right: Tammy Schenck Gnagy, Publisher Macaroni Kid Louisville East KY
When I first started school, about 40 years ago (ugh!!), library was like a regular class, there were no quick trips just to pick out a book. Library class usually started with the librarian reading a story or two, as we all sat criss-cross applesauce on the carpet, only one story usually meant someone misbehaved, two or more meant the class was golden that day. After story time we learned important things about the library, such as fiction and nonfiction, the Dewey Decimal System, or how to use the card catalog. Back in the day, things were not easily accessible with one touch of the finger on a computer, and while most fiction books were arranged by the authors surname, and divided into a children’s section, young adult, and adult section, non-fiction was a whole other matter, and that is where the card catalog came into play. The sheer joy you felt when you actually figured out the Dewey Decimal System, probably rivaled that of conquering Mount Everest, especially for a small child.
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Photo credit: Tammy Schenck Gnagy, Publisher Macaroni Kid Louisville East KY
I have to admit that at first, the trips to the library with my own kids were not even close to the same. With everything being on the internet, and card catalogs long gone, I was feeling really disappointed. I could vaguely smell that good old fashioned library smell, but those old leather bound books were long gone, and the smell just wasn’t the same. However, just like everything else over the last 40 years, progress while different is not always a bad thing. After just a few visits, I was able to see that same sheer joy I experienced when I went to the library as a child, in the eyes of my own children. Sure the card catalogs were long gone, replaced with computers, but the experience and the joy it brought to a child were the same. I know that while different, the memories of the sheer joy of finally finding the perfect book will be something they can share with their own children. Walking row after row, running your fingers down the spine, and sliding out the ones that called to you, so you could look at the illustrations on the front cover and make your final decisions. We all know that in this situation, it was okay to judge a book by its cover!
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Photo credit: Beth Neely, Publisher Macaroni Kid Rancho Cucamonga
So in celebration of “Take Your Child to the Library Day,” get onto your computer, and pull up your local library's calendar of events. With this national event falling on a Saturday, I am sure most will host any special events they are hosting, on that day, but just to be on the safe side and with the chaos of Covid, we want you to be sure. Even if your library is not doing anything special, it’s still a perfect time to load up the kids, grab those reusable shopping bags, and head on out to share those same fond library memories you recollect from your own childhood.
Just remember, even if you can't make it to the library on National "Take Your Child to the Library Day," every day is a good day for a visit!