
Need Assistance with Rent and Utilities?

Chandler residents who are seeking rental or utility assistance can find details on how to apply.

By Cindy Fletcher, Publisher Macaroni Kid Chandler June 19, 2021

The City of Chandler has been awarded more than $13 million from the U.S. Treasury Department as part of the federal
government’s Emergency Rental Assistance program.

Chandler residents who are seeking rental or utility assistance can find details on how to apply. All applications must be submitted through AZCEND’s Community Action Program Office for evaluation.

Chandler residents who are concerned they may not qualify for financial assistance based on income or program requirements are still encouraged to apply as there are several types of assistance available in addition to this federal program. AZCEND staff will work closely with applicants to explore other funding sources to help as many households as possible. Chandler households who previously received rental and utility assistance may reapply if additional help is needed.